miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


Easter is also known as Pasch or Pascha. Easter is now celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon on the Spring Equinox between March 22nd and April 25th. Easter is celebrated at the end of Lent on the last day of Holy Week. During Lent eating animal products including eggs was not allowed. Hens still laid eggs so by Easter there were a lot of left over eggs. Exchanging painted eggs started in ancient civilizations with people such as the Egyptians and Persians. They would exchange eggs as a symbol of fertility and new life. The idea of the Easter Bunny originated in Germany. The girls and boys would wake up Easter morning and build nests out of sticks and leaves so the Easter Bunny can leave them the eggs. This is how the first Easter Hunts started. Original Easter baskets were made to look like nests now children receive colorful baskets filled with eggs and candies from the Easter Bunny.

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